My Interview with GoSolo - Turn Your “One Day” into Day One.
~ My interview with GoSolo, an entrepreneurial collective of inspiring stories.

12 Questions
~ I present 12 questions here, awaiting answers — from you, from me?

3 Tips on the Art of Conversation
~ 3 personalized tips on the “art” of conversation.

The Kojima Standard: 5 Attributes to Good Entertainment
~ musing on the self-professed “standard for entertainment” of one legendary artist and gaming auteur, Hideo Kojima.

The Future Must Be Blue: 9 Principles of Longevity
~ musing on the concept of “Blue Zones” — regions of the world where people live happier, healthier, and altogether longer lives — and what we can learn from them.

4 Things That Should Be Taught In School
The things I learned in school, and what I *thought* I knew about the world and what was important in life, now feels like a distant dream.

How to do SEO
SEO, or “Search Engine Optimization,” is an integral part of modern copywriting.

Features & Benefits, Homes and Missions
~ In the spirit of furthering my understanding and my blog-like articulations on the art of copywriting - here, I present a chronicle of my own keen interpretations of the prime features versus consumer benefits of some of my favorite companies, brands, and websites.

On Reading
Who is still reading? … What is reading, truly?
Intrigue, Inspire, Invigorate
^ I emblazoned my site headline with the words “intrigue, inspire, and invigorate.” I want to talk about what I mean. In a manner of speaking, this alliterative trio of i’s make up a holistic philosophy on my writing - how I try to do it and what I do it for.