
My business is centered around writing projects of 3 main categories:

Content Writing
Strategy Writing

Below, I present the description of each deliverable type, their general work requirements in template / questionnaire / outline formats, and their per-project projected prices. Please note that these prices are fixed here yet negotiable in practice, depending on each client’s circumstances and unique scope, demands and concerns. I showcase my initial price points here to be as transparent as possible as a freelancer, to prospective clients, concerning the researched, estimated market value of the work I do for each.

For each deliverable type, I have created a publicly viewable Google Doc displaying key questions, goals, and resources to be answered and defined for that project category, in potential collaboration with the client.

I also utilize a General Creative Brief, presented either as a Google Doc, or as a fillable Google Form:

Note that my work can be done in direct concert with you and your team, or not. That is up to you.

For additional questions or if you wish to schedule a call to discuss my work, please contact me:


  • Web Copy

    Copywriting for your website: homepages and landing pages that showcase your enterprise in its fullness. About pages and bios that introduce your team and their passionate contributions. Product or service descriptions that illustrate your business’ every endeavor. Variable fee, per page, depending on the project scope and level of info you wish to be conveyed.

    $500 for Homepage
    $300 for Landing Page
    $150 per page for About, Bios, Product/Service, other

  • Email Copy

    Copywriting for email: newsletters detailing your business’ current happenings, one-off sales opportunities, seasonal marketing campaigns. Email is the most cost-effective way of getting your message out to your audience; thus, writing consistently good emails becomes imperative for any modern business.

    $100 per page

  • Direct Ad Copy

    Copywriting for direct advertising. Physical mail, such as letters, flyers, cards, brochures. Or copy for direct digital ads, such as banners, through Google, Facebook, or Twitter. A tactile sales pitch arriving at a potential customer’s doorstep needs to jump off the page, else it will be trashed. Additionally, the ad copy in between the spaces of web pages and search results needs to intrigue before the user’s eyes pass it over. Let’s try for that.

    $100 for Flyer, Card, Sign or equivalent
    for Letter or equivalent
    $400 for Brochure or equivalent
    $100 per direct digital ad

Content Writing

  • Blog

    Blog writing for your business. A blog is a great way to informally present your company or contribution, in a periodic manner, to your community. Recursive blog posts let customers or users - or potential ones - know about the currency of your enterprises’ flows over time. Give me your topic, your vibe, or just a brainstorm, and I can blog for you.

    $50 for Short blog
    $100 for Long blog

  • Article

    Article writing for your business. An article, researched and crafted to inform, persuade or entertain, can be a vital indirect sales tool for your enterprise. Whether digital or in print, articles - including how-to’s, FAQs, studies, or papers - on your industry or product/service offering can change customer perceptions, build brand awareness, and altogether show your prospective community you are serious about your craft.

    $250 low research article
    $500 high research article
    $500 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
    $1,000 Case Study
    $2,000 White Paper

  • Essay

    Essay writing for your business. A custom writing project, that I will call an "essay", that can slot in as writing beyond blogging or articles. An essay, about one of your employees or customers, or an emotional anecdote concerning your product or industry - written with passion! - can provide pathos to your company's efforts. For your customers or community, these kinds of stories can build relationships, patronage, loyalty.

    $300 per essay

Strategy Writing

  • Brand Narrative

    A "Brand Narrative" is your business' story. Where did you come from? Where are you going? Who are you? And why are you here? Building, organizing, styling out your company's tale, from past to present to future, whether as an internal marketing doc to aid your mission statement, or as a public piece to display on your website, can help direct your operation's continuous growth - and purpose.

    $500 for your Brand Narrative

  • Tone Guide

    A "Tone Guide" is an internal marketing document that can help you and your team better understand your brand's preferred way of speaking to your audience. By grasping the language best associated with your company's copywriting efforts at all contact points, you lead your communications from there with common intention.

    $300 for your Tone Guide

  • Persona

    A "Persona" is a written profile, from a comprehensive Q&A, detailing your most consistent ‘composite’ customer's lifestyle, wants, needs and anything else that makes their patronage relevant to your business. A well-researched - and articulated - persona of your typical user or customer will allow you to sharpen your marketing and operational efforts to better accommodate them. After all, this persona represents your core business; they are your "bread and butter."

    $250 for your Persona