How to do SEO
SEO, or “Search Engine Optimization,” is an integral part of modern copywriting.
Features & Benefits, Homes and Missions
~ In the spirit of furthering my understanding and my blog-like articulations on the art of copywriting - here, I present a chronicle of my own keen interpretations of the prime features versus consumer benefits of some of my favorite companies, brands, and websites.
On Reading
Who is still reading? … What is reading, truly?
Intrigue, Inspire, Invigorate
^ I emblazoned my site headline with the words “intrigue, inspire, and invigorate.” I want to talk about what I mean. In a manner of speaking, this alliterative trio of i’s make up a holistic philosophy on my writing - how I try to do it and what I do it for.
2021 Vision Mastermind: Circles as Portals, People as Medicine
What is a threshold?
A doorway. A place to pass through. A passage from one distinct space to another. A portal.
Not every threshold is transformational, but every transformation requires its threshold.
On Copywriting
What is copywriting? Why is it important? And what makes good copywriting?
3 Ways A Personal Journal Can Change Your Life
Who likes to write?
5 Factors Making Live Streaming The Entertainment of the Future
Live streaming, on platforms like Twitch, YouTube and Facebook, has experienced an extraordinary surge in popularity over the last couple years. Live-streaming, or “Livestreaming”: that is, broadcasting content live, in front of a camera, in real-time, to an audience over the Internet.
5 Reasons Why You Should Get Into Tabletop Role-Playing
Tabletop role-playing games {“TTRPGs”} have become something of a phenomenon over the past few years.