Mastermind Maker
Writer’s note:
“Mastermind Maker” is a fictional retreat I created. This is its speculative advertising web and email copy focused on the space as a communal, transformational experience. For those seeking conscious self-growth, as newbies or vets, the retreat aims at spiritual nourishment for heart, mind, and soul. My copy intends to creatively capture this vision.

Find presence in community.
Breath. Meditate. Converse. Dance. Transform.
Make yourself into a Mastermind.
Mastermind Maker is not a retreat, but an advance.
Join us for five days in Costa Rica at the Mastermind Institute, in meditation, yoga, dance, conversation, and inspiration in the midst of nature, for an unforgettable dose of spiritual nourishment.
Led by world-class coaches and facilitators, the Mastermind Maker ‘advance’ is designed from the ground up to get you out of your head and into your body - off your routines not serving your health, wealth, and relationships and onto your singular path of self-actualization.
In a circle of committed souls seeking the same, join us and change your life.
What you will experience at the Mastermind Maker:
Our life comes from our breath; find out what happens when you pay attention to it throughout your day.
Mindfulness, transcendentalist, visualization - experience the archetypes of meditation under guides. Find clarity in your return to center, to the breath, in a mind cleared of momentary distraction.
Under the direction of trained practitioners, combine physical, mental and soulful healing through your body in motion. Yoga, as an ancient tradition, builds strength, flexibility, and confidence.
Face-to-face. Eye-to-eye. Heart-to-heart. What wonders await us authentically relating to one another in live conversation among circles of growing self-understanding?
In the flow of the sound of music and the vision of the others, release your body into impassioned movements across the dance floor. Let your soul choose the direction of your motions.

Intention + Knowledge + Passion.
With this triad of values in hand, agreed upon and pursued by everyone in the circle, the Mastermind Maker retreat creates a container for nearly guaranteed transformational changes.

The Mastermind Institute.
Explore our world class center in the jungles of southern Costa Rica, where nature and comfort coincide to create the perfect stay for your mind, body, and stomach!
Read and view stories from past Masterminds wishing to share on their experience and their life at present.
Peruse images captured from prior retreats, documenting transformations past.

Destiny awaits you.
Mastermind Maker promises you a profound experience in the presence of our circle.
Email marketing:
Writer’s note: ~ mock email marketing copy for a conscious community retreat, called “Mastermind Maker”, where people gather to meditate, converse, dance and do yoga, in nature, facilitated by experienced coaches trained for the endeavor, at tropical, world-class accommodations. The goal of the copy is to intrigue, and ultimately, sell the idea of the retreat to a lamen (or, someone not initiated into the value of such activities as meditation, yoga, gathering in nature to authentically relate for the sake of self-discovery, companionship, and community.) Angled toward newcomers, yet still using familiar language known to veterans of the space, the email information is designed to tow the line between revealing some of the actions and the overall purpose of such a retreat while still being mysteriously poetic enough to leave a sense of exciting uncertainty once the choice is made to go on the retreat.
Do you feel present in your life?
To many, disconnection from the present moment can be the source of many a problem.
Social isolation, alienation, overpressure, over-stress, sleep deprivation, loneliness, depression - these are ailments many modern people try to deal with. They can lead to overall dissatisfaction with work, and your health, wealth, and relationships. To put it lightly, such states of being take you out of the present moment and into rumination, out of your body and into your mind.
How to break such spells? There is no easy answer. Clinical and therapeutic solutions arrive often in the form of pills and recursive, professional conversations. Maybe these are potential solutions for some, for you.
But what if I told you there was a place you could go that could transform your mind? What if, out of a circle of similarly-seeking souls, you could find presence in your life? What if there was a sacred space of powerful practices, even gathered for only a transient period of time, that could shift your perspective enough to spur you to change your entire life?
What if there was an action you could take right now that could change everything?
You may not believe me. Not to say that your ailment would be cured from such an experience, but certainly, your soul would be nourished to the point of moving you to improve your health, wealth, and relationships.
[Link - to Mastermind Maker website]
At Mastermind Maker - a retreat in Costa Rica over the course of five days - we use breathing, meditation, yoga, sincere conversation, dance, and self-reflection, all within nature, around a circle of companions, to build presence.
From presence, portals are unlocked.
From out of such conscientious interactions with relative strangers, you will be changed. Led by facilitators and coaches in the fields of high performance and conscious expansion, transformation will be borne within and around the circle.
On the other side of your personal portal, friends and revelations, boons carried for your community back home and metamorphoses completed for your life ahead, await.
World-class accommodations at the Mastermind Institute create an atmosphere for rest, relaxation and recuperation when away from the retreat’s sacred spaces. A full staff of friendly locals, including a master chef, will make your stay welcoming and warm.
Come ready to embrace your fellow Man, with a willingness to learn and experience the world around you, and most importantly, eager to become safely vulnerable - and the results will speak for themselves.
Some singular revelations that will fall upon the conscientious Mastermind:
Faces are important. Social interaction is almost nothing without them.
Authenticity arises easier when you are challenged.
Anxiety can be vanquished with a breath.
Healing can actualize in the midst of sound, music, dance.
Passionate conversation and mindful silence can be equally powerful tools for the heart.
Relationships are forged through vulnerability.
A real community can form in less than five days.
What are you waiting for?
Who the Mastermind Maker retreat is for:
People who understand and desire vulnerability - or who wish to!
Conscientious souls wanting to change their life and the world around them
Those ready to unleash their full power into the world
Who the Mastermind Maker retreat is NOT for:
People shying away from authentic conversation, unable to leave their comfort zone for now
Unconscious souls unwilling to acknowledge the current state of their life and the world around them
Those not yet ready to see themselves actualized toward their true purpose